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Below are our articles on the subject of Planning & Finance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can I Claim Benefits for Retirement Property?
Can I Claim Benefits for Retirement Property?
Running a home in retirement can prove costly, but there are a number of benefits available that can offer you a helping hand....
Can I Leave Property in My Will If Mortgage is Owing?
Can I Leave Property in My Will If Mortgage is Owing?
Leaving your property in your will is a nice gesture for someone you love, but it is worth remembering that any debt you leave behind will also be passed on....
Can I Use the Equity in My Property to Pay Off Debt
Can I Use the Equity in My Property to Pay Off Debt
Facing retirement with large debts is not a good situation to be in and for some, equity release can help lessen this burden....
Can My Mortgage Overlap Into Retirement?
Can My Mortgage Overlap Into Retirement?
With the average age of first-time buyers steadily increasing, more people are finding their mortgage is overlapping into retirement....
Choosing a Budget When Buying a Home in Retirement
Choosing a Budget When Buying a Home in Retirement
How you’ll need to choose your budget carefully if you’re looking to move home in retirement and basing your choices around the type of housing you can afford without…...
Considering Medical Costs UK & Abroad & its Impact
Considering Medical Costs UK & Abroad & its Impact
How you need to ensure that you’ve got comprehensive medical insurance in the country you’re looking to reside in when you retire. How even in the UK, people will take…...
Costs Involved in Living in Care Homes
Costs Involved in Living in Care Homes
The typical weekly costs of living in a care home and how you’ll be assessed to determine whether or not you’ll need to pay the full amount or meet a partial amount of…...
Costs Involved in Living in Sheltered Accommodation & Assisted Living
Costs Involved in Living in Sheltered Accommodation & Assisted Living
The difficulty in assessing average costs for living in an assisted living care facility or sheltered housing as the costs can vary tremendously depending on the level…...
Downsizing Your Property
Downsizing Your Property
How downsizing your property in retirement can make a lot of sense in terms of helping you to gain access to money through the sale which can increase your financial…...
Finance and Looking After Your Wealth
Finance and Looking After Your Wealth
How making the most of your finances and protecting your wealth in retirement is a constantly ongoing and evolving process and how it’s important to seek professional…...
I'm Over 60: Am I Eligible for a Mortgage?
I'm Over 60: Am I Eligible for a Mortgage?
Reaching 60 doesn't have to mean you can no longer get on the property ladder, but there are a few hurdles you might face....
Is Interest-only Mortgage Viable in Retirement?
Is Interest-only Mortgage Viable in Retirement?
Mortgage lenders have started to restrict who they will offer interest-only mortgages to, but there are situations when this type of mortgage is right for someone in…...
Making Money from Your Home in Retirement
Making Money from Your Home in Retirement
Whether it's renting out a room or using your cooking skills in the kitchen, there are numerous ways to make a profit from your property....
Pro's and Con's of Equity Release Schemes
Pro's and Con's of Equity Release Schemes
The different types of equity release schemes. How they can be very beneficial to some people but can be the financial ruin of others which is why it’s crucial to seek…...
Should I Rely on Buy-to-let Property in Retirement?
Should I Rely on Buy-to-let Property in Retirement?
Many people facing retirement turn to buy-to-let property to fund their retirement, but in some cases this can be risky....
Should I Sell My Property and Rent?
Should I Sell My Property and Rent?
Selling your home in retirement makes sense in some cases, but if you can, you should try and hold onto your property....
Sourcing Income Through Retirement
Sourcing Income Through Retirement
The different ways you can source income in retirement and why it’s important to make financial provisions and plan early....