Your Health and Where You Choose to Live in Retirement

No matter how healthy you may be when you retire, the only guarantee as you move through the latter stages of your life is that you're far more likely to encounter health related problems in your future years simply because of the ageing process if by nothing else. Therefore, when considering a possible house move after you retire, your decision should try to be influenced by looking at the 'big picture' with regards to medical matters and to anticipate possible scenarios and how you might deal with them should they arise.
Many people choose to downsize their property when looking to move in retirement. There may be all sorts of reasons for this but one very good reason would be that a smaller property will need less upkeep and, if your mobility worsens as you get older, then it will be easier to get around a smaller home and it will enable you to stay on top of things.
Mobility Now
If you're already experiencing a decrease in your health and your ability to get around, a house move to a place better suited to your circumstances might well be the answer. Perhaps, you simply want to change to living in an apartment or bungalow where you'll have no stairs to climb. Or perhaps, you're looking to move into a place which has been specially designed and modified for people with disabilities and/or mobility issues with things such as hand rails, stair lifts, bath hoists etc which have already been installed or could be installed far better than in your existing home.
Moving Abroad
You'll also need to understand the ramifications for your health if you're looking at moving abroad. Do you have adequate insurance should you fall ill or get injured if living abroad and if so, what would be the cost of an insurance policy. What about the medical facilities themselves? You need to consider aspects like whether the new home you're considering is situated within easy access of local doctors' surgeries and hospitals. Also, what about family and friends should you decide to move abroad? If you are sick or become ill over a longer period when abroad, you're likely not to have the same level of support from loved ones when overseas because of the distance involved.
Alternative Forms Of Housing
Perhaps you're at a stage where your health might have deteriorated to the point whereby you're unsure about your ability to live independently. If that's the case, then you're going to have to consider your health in terms of to what extent might you require assistance. It could well be that you are well enough to still lead a relatively independent life with the aid of external support services coming in on a regular basis to check that you're OK. On the other hand, if your health is in serious decline, you might need to consider the possibility of moving into a residential care home where your needs can be met 24/7.
It's a fact of life that if you're looking to move home when you retire, both financial and health issues are going to possibly be the two biggest considerations you're going to have to face in determining the most suitable type of home for you and a home which is in the right location. As far as health matters go, you'll probably be the person best placed to determine what options you do have, although it's often useful to seek out an additional opinion from your local GP, if you are still unsure about certain aspects of your health.
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